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網(wǎng)站首頁(yè)技術(shù)中心 > 國(guó)外選擇蝶閥時(shí)所考慮的因素

Product center


更新時(shí)間:2016-01-28 點(diǎn)擊量:1581


使用壽命 Operating Life   


Butterfly valves can operate for more than 10,000 cycles and still provide "bubble tight" shut off. 

壓降 Pressure Drop  







Energy costs go up with excessive pressure drop. Point to keep in mind–the valve or valves are but one factor in a piping system that contribute to pressure drop. Of equal concern are these factors: 

Flow area of piping.  

Friction loss against pipe walls.  

Change of flow direction via fittings.  

Butterfly valves have flow characteristics 

three times better than globe valves and 

approximay 75% of an equivalent size gate valve. 


通用性 Versatility  


Butterfly valves can be used for on/off service and throttling/balancing. 

They are superior in “versatility” as compared to a gate or globe valve. 

Butterfly valves have a wider range of chemical resistance due to the trim options and choice of elastomeric liners. 

重量 Weight  

輕型蝶閥的安裝費(fèi)用比重型鑄鐵閥門節(jié)省的多:例如,一個(gè)公稱通徑10英寸的蝶閥重55磅,而一個(gè)10英寸的鑄鐵閘閥重量就高達(dá)490磅。對(duì)于整個(gè)管 道系統(tǒng)來(lái)說(shuō),采用蝶閥所節(jié)省下來(lái)的安裝費(fèi)用就非??捎^。此外,管道系統(tǒng)越重,就要求管道支撐基座要堅(jiān)固,因此導(dǎo)致整個(gè)管道系統(tǒng)更加昂貴。所以,考慮到閥門 的重量,就能夠節(jié)約整個(gè)管道系統(tǒng)的成本。 

Installation dollars saved with lightweight butterfly valves as compared to heavyweight cast iron valves; 

i.e. a 10" butterfly may weigh 55 pounds, whereas a 10" iron gate may weigh 490 pounds. This can be an important savings when it is calculated over an entire system. The heavier the system, the stronger the pipe hangers, and the more expensive they become. So by considering the weight of a valve one can also reduce piping system costs. 


尺寸大小 Physical Size  



Butterfly valves take up approximay 1/6 the space of a gate valve. Every cubic foot of a building costs money. 

I.E.: 10" butterfly is about 21" high 10" iron gate is about 43" high 

氣密性關(guān)閉 Bubble Tight Shut-Off  

閘閥和截止閥(金屬與金屬連接)的閥座不具備不透氣關(guān)閉的性能。Gate and globe (metal to metal) seats cannot provide bubble tight shut-off. Resilient seated butterfly valves are bubble tight by design. 

操作簡(jiǎn)便 Ease of Operation  


Butterfly valves offer 1/4 turn (90o) open to close. Gates and globes require multiple turns to open and close. 

Ease of opening or closing means that butterfly valves can employ less expensive operators. 

成本 Cost  


A butterfly valve is generally 40% the cost of an iron gate. Not only low initial cost but low installation costs also. 

維護(hù)保養(yǎng) Maintenance  


Properly installed butterfly valves are virtually self cleaning and are less susceptible to failure due to trash material in the line.



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